Hi Ethan, Today is my 40th Bday and I want to thank you for taking time and efforts to put out the content (in LinkedIn, here and elsewhere). It has inspired me in multiple ways to take control where control is due, so much so that I have quit the traditional corporate ladder and trying to build something that had been long a semi serious dream. Thank you. Although you might not feel it but I feel indebted to you and in my tradition, one needs to be pay their debts to their teachers and mentors (others too, but more grey area there 😅) so if I can ever be of service, please do give me a chance. Sincerely. Aman Goyal.

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Love to hear this, congrats on taking action and a big bold step. And happy birthday Aman!

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Thank you. Shooting for the stars.

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> Being right is good, but being quick is necessary.

This is a hard-earned lesson for me. Just after I graduated and started my first position as a software engineer, I was keen to bring in math (which was most of my studies) to solve problems. I got into academic discussions around speed and efficiency, only to realize that an okay-ish solution took a day to implement while my ideas were still on paper.

Sometimes speed and efficiency are essential, but for most apps most of us will build, whatever you have is probably OK.

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Reminds me of what Reid Hoffman said: "If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late." Speed is a choice, and speed matters.

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